I'm looking for assistance in RLS module setup for kamailio 3.3.2
The problem is that I need to handle resource-list updates on my kamalio server.
For testing purposes I use Jitsi client.
1) When a new contact is added to Jitsi or an old one is removed, Jitsi sends updated resource-list XML to caps.
- This works fine, I can see PUT request in Wireshark and I can see following log from kamailio.cfg:
xlog("===== xhttp put: refreshing resource-list for $var(uri)\n");
rls_update_subs("$var(uri)", "presence");
which hopefully means that rls_update_subs function has been called.
2) After this function was called, I expect SUBSCRIBE messages in backend, not in Jitsi, but I still see Jitsi sending SUBSCRIBE for each contact.
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be useful!
I want to announce that a new person got developer GIT write access to
repository: Hugh Waite - he is quite old contributor by now, with many
patches and activity on mailing lists. He is part of the Crocodile RCS
team, which developed very important features for Kamailio so far, like
websocket and outbound extensions, Lua API and presence/rls improvements.
His git commit id is: hpw
My warm welcome and looking forward to future work within the project!
Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
- http://conference.kamailio.com -
Hey List,
I'm looking at an article by Daniel,
In it he's uses the below to block source IP addresses by country, How
could this be used to block multiple country sources?? I've tried a couple
of things aleardy but have failed
geoip_match("$si", "src");
if($gip(src=>cc)=="CA") {
xlog("SIP message from Canada (ip: $si) - drop it\n");
send_reply("403", "Forbidden");
Thanks in advance
the schedule for Kamailio World Conference has been updated, among
topics of the recently added talks: North American VoIP market, Jitsi
softphone, usage in embedded systems and enterprises. Check the current
schedule at:
- http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/schedule/
The group of speakers for the two days is filled up at this moment, as
soon as we received the profiles and presentation summaries, the
schedule will get final.
Regarding Kamailio project, these are the last days before the next
major release, version 4.0.0 is planned to be out next week.
This week is CeBIT in Hanover, many community members will visit the
event in various days (to my knowledge, Thursday and Friday will be the
busiest). If you want face to face meetings, announce yourself on our
forums. I plan to be there tomorrow.
It is just a bit over one month till the event starts, if you haven't
registered yet, you should hurry up, there is no similar event in Europe
this year that gives the chance to meet and learn from many
professionals working with rich communication services and products:
- http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/registration/
Also, if you consider sponsoring or participate to surrounding
exhibition space, please get in touch with us, you will get an
exceptional visibility and additional benefits at the event:
- http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/sponsors/
Do not forget that there are open positions to work with VoIP/SIP and
Kamailio, just in case you look for new challenges in your career, check:
- http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/career-jobs/
Looking forward to meet many of you in Berlin,
Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
- http://conference.kamailio.com -
Is it possible to have a custom look-up table to map ids to other ids in
the configuration file?
key | value
1 |100
2 | 100
3 | 600
lookup("TestLookValues", "3")
gives $var(lookupval) equal to 600
It is similar to MTree functionality only I am looking for an exact match
not just a prefix
prefix | value
1 |100
2 | 100
3 | 600
mt_match("TestLookValues", "3003)", "0")
gives $var(mtval) = 600
I would need $var(mtval) = -1 (not found)
Thanks Gareth
I'm Julian Plata and I have some troubles to do a call between 2 users:
julianplata(a)iptel.org since Media5 in my phone, and
marinastereo(a)iptel.org in a Comrex box. When I try to connect, Media5
shows a message "The caller can not be found".
Also, in the Iptel User Management the users julianplata@iptel &
marinastereo@iptel are shown as online.
Could you help me to fix the issue ?
Could you verify if the accounts are OK for establish a connection??
Best Regards,
Julian Plata
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from my point of view, the last to sort out for v4.0.0 is packaging (I
just sent a dedicated email to decide on that). Personally I have been
testing v4.0.0 thoroughly in various cases, no critical issue being on
my list at this moment. Also, v4.0 is running for quite some time on
voipuser.org (our usual life testing platform).
I propose releasing v4.0.0 next Monday, on March 11, 2013. The second
option, if more people prefer it, would be Thursday, March 14, 2013.
Opinions? If anybody has other dates in mine, let us know here.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
- http://conference.kamailio.com -