Hi All,
At the risk of possibly dragging up an old thread (https://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/sr-users/2021-June/112791.html <https://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/sr-users/2021-June/112791.html>) I’m seeing unusual behaviour where $Rp is still showing what I think is the ‘wrong’ behaviour, but given Daniel’s reply on the earlier thread I want to be sure this isn’t the intended behaviour.
The thread above confirms that $Rp is not taken from the IP layer but is intended to give the attribute of the listen socket associated with the SIP traffic, which is fine and what I’m expecting, but in my case it doesn’t seem to be working this way.
(I’ve tried with and without tcp_reuse_port=yes and tcp_connection_match=1 too just in case one of the above parameters has changed this behaviour)
If Kamailio listening on multiple ports e.g.
And I use $fs to force the socket of an outbound message to one of the above before t_relay() it works as expected (with tcp_reuse_port it originates from the given port number above, without that set it will originate from a different ephemeral port even to the same destination, so $fs is working as expected)
Then, in reply_route{} I have a simple line to add the port it was received on to the headers (I’ve also tried with $RAp)
append_hf("X-Rcvd-Port: $Rp\r\n”);
In every case, the reply seems to contain the *first* port of the protocol type (so in the above example every TCP reply irrespective of whether it is to 7701/02/03 will show $Rp 7701, and every TLS reply will show 7801)
Any advice or insight anyone can offer would be much appreciated.
Found an interesting scenario, maybe something could be done here.
I have a siptrace module configured like
modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", "sip:<MY_HOMER_SERVER>:9060")
modparam("siptrace", "hep_mode_on", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_to_database", 0)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "hep_version", 3)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_mode", 1)
When Kamailio is under stress test (sipflood via OPTIONS/TLS), with this
settings it transfers all flood to HOMER server.
At some point Kamailio just stops accepting any new TLS connections.
Turning off siptrace solves this issue.
As I got, siptrace module is not changing protocol of the message (means
not converting TCP/UDP) or so. Could it be possible, that at some point
siptrace "eats" all TCP connections (especially if remote HOMER is down or
not answering) which leads Kamailio to stop processing any new connections?
And is it possible to send HEP traffic only via UDP to prevent this?
Yes, sure other option is to trace only "legal" traffic
Best regards,
Ihor (Igor)
I've been using the pipelimit module and the pl_check function to control
users rates in my proxy.
if (!pl_check("$var(UserID)", "TAILDROP", "$var(UserRate)")) {
In this case $var(UserID) is the pipe and $var(UserRate) is the maximum
The value of the rate is retrieved on every call via query to a DB.
If I change the UserRate value to 0 CPS on the DB calls are not rejected
unless they go over 1 CPS. However, if I restart Kamailio all calls are
correctly rejected.
Why does this happen? Can I change this behaviour?
Is there a means of appending new branches from config script for a transaction which is already proceeding in the background, without using `tsilo`?
That is to say, I have an async transaction which is resumed in an async worker and is t_relay()’d away to some destination. Meanwhile, I have learned about new destinations for it to try via an incoming registration, and would like to append additional parallel forking branches to that transaction, even though it is already proceeding.
ts_append() does this for me; the issue I have is that it is mediated through a registrar, but I am not a registrar. My registrar is upstream, and my proxy is just a front-end to it. So, in essence, I require something like `tsilo` at a more general level, where contacts can be populated by some other mechanism rather than being learned via callbacks out of `usrloc`.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
— Alex
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/
Hi List
I noticed, that one of our CPE copies the Proxy-Authorization HF in
almost all messages sent.
As PRACK were not authenticated, those headers were potentially sent on
to the destination disclosing the authentication username and realm.
So assuming, if credentials are present, the client wishes them to be
validated, I added:
if (has_credentials("$fd")) {
xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): got $rm with credentials. Validate them!\n");
and in route[AUTH] I call:
pv_auth_check() which returns 1 thus success upon which I use:
If the method is INVITE:
Proxy-Authorization HF is removed by consume_credentials()
if the method is PRACK:
Proxy-Authorization HF is still present on the outbound leg.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch
As mentioned in the last email, we have a CPE which adds credentials to
any request so I would like to validate them.
We use $rd as realm. Let's use example.com as example.
During the initial INVITE, this works as expected.
I try to only show the headers I think are relevant to the issue I face.
INVITE sip:1234@example.com SIP/2.0
Proxy-Authorization: [...] realm="example.com"
Contact: <sip:9876@>
Authentication user in realm "example.com" == $rd is validated and
The connection is establised:
200 OK
From: <sip:9876@example.com>;tag=1
To: <sip:1234@example.com>;tag=2
Contact: <sip:1234@>
The caller terminates the connection:
BYE: sip:1234@ SIP/2.0
From: <sip:9876@example.com>;tag=1
To: <sip:1234@example.com>;tag=2
Proxy-Authorization: [...] realm="example.com"
$var(authres) = pv_auth_check("$rd", "$avp(authsecret)", "0", "1");
fails wirh result -5 as there is no authsecret for realm ""
So an unnecessarey challenge is issued:
SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
To: <sip:1234@example.com>
From: <sip:9876@example.com>
CSeq: 3 BYE
Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm=""
To which the client replies with the changed realm:
Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="****",realm="",[...]
and succeeds authentication.
Is there a way to accept 'any' realm? Or to avoid this unnecessary
change of realm just because the remote site submitted a domain
realm in the contact header?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch