I'm trying to set up kamailio on a Cent OS 9 server but I'm unable to
install the kamailio-mysql module. Can someone suggest any possible
solutions here,
Tried to setup kamdbctl after changing the configuration to use mysql,
➜ ~ kamdbctl create
ERROR: could not load the script in
/usr/lib64/kamailio//kamctl/kamdbctl.mysql for database engine MYSQL
ERROR: database engine not loaded - tried 'MYSQL'
Contents of /usr/lib64/kamailio/kamctl/, I'm not sure why there's a double
slash in the message above
➜ ~ ls /usr/lib64/kamailio/kamctl/
dbtextdb kamctl.base kamctl.ctlbase kamctl.dbtext kamctl.rpcfifo
kamctl.ser kamctl.sqlbase kamdbctl.base kamdbctl.dbtext
I'm unable to install kamailio-mysql
➜ ~ dnf install kamailio-mysql
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:23 ago on Thursday 01 December 2022
03:53:45 AM.
Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides libmysqlclient.so.21()(64bit) needed by
- nothing provides libmysqlclient.so.21(libmysqlclient_21.0)(64bit)
needed by kamailio-mysql-5.6.2-0.el9.centos.x86_64
- nothing provides mysql-libs needed by
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to
use not only best candidate packages)
I've checked that I do have the following repolists,
➜ kamctl dnf repolist
repo id repo name
appstream CentOS Stream 9 -
baseos CentOS Stream 9 -
epel Extra Packages for
Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-next Extra Packages for
Enterprise Linux 9 - Next - x86_64
extras-common CentOS Stream 9 -
Extras packages
kamailio Kamailio - latest
- Packages for the Kamailio latest release
mariadb-main MariaDB Server
mariadb-maxscale MariaDB MaxScale
mariadb-tools MariaDB Tools
tailscale-stable Tailscale stable
This is after a fresh installation of CentOS 9. I believe that I might have
a missing repolist or probably have something incorrect in the