Help is needed. I know I have seen a similar problem either via email or
google search but for the life of me I cannot find it now.
I am using:
5.4.0-144-generic #161-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 3 14:49:04 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64
x86_64 GNU/Linux
version: kamailio 5.3.9 (x86_64/linux) -- This is a dev platform and I can
update kamailio if needed.
I am trying to query a mongodb collection for the phone number stored under
“did” as an integer and make a decision based on the returned result
(boolean is sufficient for this decision).
I don’t know what I am doing wrong here. Any help will be well appreciated
##### This is the insert statement into the telephone db from a linux script
db.c$coll.insertOne({"did":parseInt($(cut -d_ -f 1 <<< $1)),
"callDesc":$(cut -d_ -f 1 <<< $1)}))" >> $(cut -d_ -f 1 <<< $1).js
did is stored as an integer and the callDesc is stored as presented by $rU
{ "_id" : ObjectId("641580b4863678d0ba38d69a"), "did" : 1XXXXXXXXXX,
"callDesc" : 1XXXXXXXXXXXX }
> db.c234.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("641580b4863678d0ba38d69a"), "did" : 2XXXXXXXXXXXX,
"callDesc" : 2XXXXXXXXXXXX }
> db.c234.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("641580b4863678d0ba38d69a"), "did" : 3XXXXXXXXXXXX,
"callDesc" : 3XXXXXXXXXXXX }
Kamailio config:
# --- mongodb module loaded 202201082322
loadmodule ""
if (uri==myself)
sl_send_reply("100", "Trying to check if uri is myself $rU
#Adding this to test connection to mongodb…. This worked
and the reply was sent to the endpoint
if(*mongodb_cmd_simple*("mongodbsrv1", "telephone", "cXXX”,
"{ \"collStats\": \"cXXX\” }", "mgr1"))
sl_send_reply("183", "I got inside this message
loop $rU found in mongodb");
xlog("response from mongodb is
# End of the test
#This is to run the actual db query to test if the phone number is in the
mongodb…. I am not successful at this query even when the number is known
to be in the database
if(*mongodb_find_one*("mongodbsrv1", "telephone", "cXXX”,
"{\"did\" : \"$rU\" }", "mongoResponse1"))
# Route to confirmed route here -- 202302212032
sl_send_reply("183", "I got inside this mongodb
message loop");
xlog("response from mongodb is
#append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n");
Please help.
Tel: 601.497.3932