I'm evaluating the option of installing SER or OpenSER in my Asterisk environment along with FreeRadius and CDRTool. All this for both prepaid and postpaid applications.
While reading the CDRTool README.txt file, I came across this text:
"CDRTool makes rating functions available via the network so that you can use CDRTool rating engine for postpaid application or in combination with third-party B2BUAs for prepaid applications. The functions are available via TCP/IP network socket or as SOAP/XML webservice. A Call control module in OpenSER can perform the prepaid function based on money credit and rating per destination."
"CDRTool allows real-time web access to Call Details Records like the Radius tickets generated by SIP Express Router. The information can be combined with media information from MediaProxy while a separate OpenSER module can display full traces of all SIP packets the enter and exit the SIP Proxy. CDRs can be filtered and statistics can be built in real-time to summarize service usage based on various criteria."
Does this mean that these features are ONLY available to OpenSER and not both SER and OpenSER?
Also, for prepaid application I was thinking of using the Asterisk B2BUA tool along with other features like Codec translations. Can anyone comment on this?
Thanks, Daniel