I tried to use uac module to authenticate my SER to an external SIP
provider. When I tried to call uac_auth(), I got: BUG:uac:uac_auth:
empty reply on picked branch.
Searching on this list, I found a patch on
http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2005-May/019806.html that fixed
that "bug". Ok, now I can authenticate with my SIP provider, but I can't
see BYE from calle (actually from this sip provider, i think).
Does anyone know how to fix this problem (is it a CSeq incrementation
problem?). Is there any other way to authenticate to this type of
service providers ? Anyone with success on this ?
Thank you.
Thomas Storino Britis
TCNet Inf e Telecom LTDA