the problem is that the callee is behind the nat but you don't handle
the 200ok properly in order to update the contact address. The contact
address stays like 192.168..., which cannot be routed by kamailio when
it appears in R-URI of ACK and BYE.
Be sure you do nat traversal logic for replies.
On 28/10/14 06:05, qw wrote:
I install kamailio 4.2.x on centos 6.5 via 'yum'. One endpoint called
another, where one dialog is created, and caller and callee can talk
with each other. But when the caller hangup the phone(i.e. send bye to
the callee), the callee can't receive the bye message, and the dialog
can't be terminated normally.
I have captured the packets via wireshark, and uploaded kamailio.cfg
and the captured files as attachment.
In the captured file, PRACK and BYE message can be sent to kamailio
server successfully, but kamailio server doesn't forward the two
messages to the callee.
Why PRACK and BYE message can't be sent to the callee?
Looking forward to your help!
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