Hi ! I have an if block in my ser.cfg.
in this block at first I send an IM with an "thanks for input", after that a shell script should start with some operations.
SER sends the IM, but after the operations in shell script ends... How can I send the IM , before the shell script with operations finishs or SER start with operations in the shell script ?
here is the code:
if (method == "Message" && search("[a-zA-Z0-9/.+ ]{1,}-*,[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}"))
{ sl_send_reply("200", "OK"); exec_msg("cd /etc/ser/;sh zweiteEingabe"); # send the thanks... log(1, "zweiter Schritt\n"); exec_msg("cd /root/workspace/Check_Name/bin/;sh Check_Name_Start.sh"); # other operations log(1, "Daten uebergabe\n"); break; };
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