I was searching for mediaproxy and rtpproxy.
I realized that they help to pass voice traffic through NAT, but I do not want this.
I just want to pass the media through tha same machine that has ser.
I have a two softphones and a SER server at the same network.
Any advice?
Best regards,
--------------------------------------- Alexandre Passito Universidade Federal do Amazonas Departamento de Ciência da Computação LabVoIP - GRSD - UFAM - Brasil ---------------------------------------
SER is totally oblivious to RTP media and therefore cannot handle these data streams as you had hoped. Therefore, you'll either have to use STUN, mediaproxy, or rtpproxy.
Regards, Paul
On Apr 6, 2005 4:48 PM, apq@dcc.ufam.edu.br apq@dcc.ufam.edu.br wrote:
I was searching for mediaproxy and rtpproxy.
I realized that they help to pass voice traffic through NAT, but I do not want this.
I just want to pass the media through tha same machine that has ser.
I have a two softphones and a SER server at the same network.
Any advice?
Best regards,
Alexandre Passito Universidade Federal do Amazonas Departamento de Ciência da Computação LabVoIP - GRSD - UFAM - Brasil
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
apq@dcc.ufam.edu.br wrote:
I just want to pass the media through tha same machine that has ser.
I have a two softphones and a SER server at the same network.
When using mediaproxy without NAT-handling, try something like this:
route { # ... if(method=="INVITE") { use_media_proxy(); t_on_reply("1"); } else if(method=="BYE" || method=="CANCEL") { end_media_session(); } t_relay(); }
onreply_route[1] { if(status =~ "(180)|(183)|(2[0-9][0-9])" && is_present_hf("Content-Type")) { use_media_proxy(); } }