Frank Durda IV píše v Út 07. 07. 2009 v 16:16 -0500:
Michal Matyska wrote:
Use syn_branch=0 in your ser.cfg. This will put
RFC compliant branch ids
into positive ACKs in exchange of few CPU cycles wated to calculate the
id instead of using tm transaction id :-)
I'll try that when I can have a maintenance window to
stick that in and restart SER. In what area does it go?
Up at the top or in a function/route?
At the top to the configutation part. It isn't valid route command.
As it stands, do you have any idea why only some ACKs
have branch=0 results and the others have a reasonable
looking Branch=n value?
The "branch=0" also doesn't seem to ever show up in
PRACKs or any other SIP message either. Just some ACKs.
Yes, ACKs are (even with tm module used) relayed statelessly, so there
is no transaction looked while processing them.
By some ACKs having branch 0 and some valid id - is it so that ACK for
2xx replies have branch 0 and ACKs for 3xx/4xx/5xx/6xx have correct id?
This is how I would expect to be, but if you see 2xx ACKs some with
branch 0 and some with correct value, then hard to say... I'd need to
see more examples to check if there could be any pattern found for that