On Thursday 06 November 2008, ingdavidcespedes@cable.net.co wrote:
How can I implement RFC 3325 in Kamailio 1.4? ("Include P-Asserted-Identity").
Hi David,
just do as already discussed:
- Before forwarding the INVITE to the PSTN gateway, the proxy adds
a P-Asserted-Identity header containing the asserted identity, that could be a PSTN number as callerID or any other username, examples:
- P-Asserted-Identity: sip:+12345678@domain.org
- P-Asserted-Identity: tel:+12345678
- P-Asserted-Identity: sip:bob.home@domain.org
- When any other node in the network that trusts this proxy
receives this INVITE from it, it trusts the PAI header and uses it as a callerid.
You can append the header with append_hf (for example) from textops. You can read the header with the $ai pseudo-variable.