Hi every body one of my freinds has just told me about ser sip serveur. I want to developpe clients of ser to alow peoples to download it and use it to call each other. I'm a delphi programmer so i'm looking for ser API for implementing my client using delphi. regard.
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When you say "ser client" I assume you're talking about creating a softphone in Delphi.
If so you'll need a SIP library to handle the SIP messaging piece. I took a quick look on Google for a Delphi SIP VCL but didn't see any. Perhaps the Delphi JEDI group will evenutally have one.
You may have luck using the GNU osip library http://www.gnu.org/software/osip/osip.html but this written in C so you'll still have to create the PASCAL headers manually.
The RTP side of the SIP phone is another story since RTP is not really part the SIP proxy. Again, you may have luck using the GNU ccRTP code from http://www.gnu.org/software/ccrtp/ and like osip this is a C library that will need PASCAL headers.
Cheers, Paul
--- MAMADOU TOURE kiss_ci2000@yahoo.fr wrote:
Hi every body one of my freinds has just told me about ser sip serveur. I want to developpe clients of ser to alow peoples to download it and use it to call each other. I'm a delphi programmer so i'm looking for ser API for implementing my client using delphi. regard.
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