In my Platform i have a kamailio used as pseudo SBC and a kamailio used as Proxy (AS trigger) (cpl are applied on this instance). When I make a call and callee doesn't answer that call my SBC detects the timeout and generates a 408 to Proxy (according to fr_inv_timer) , but it generates CANCEL too. Is it possible to deactivate these CANCEL? if not what is the configuration in order to be able to trigger CFNA?
what is the order in the call flow: caller, sbc, proxy, callee or caller, proxy, sbc, callee? To understand which node generates the cancel and see what can be tuned there.
Cheers, Daniel
On 28.06.17 10:25, frédéric Gaisnon wrote:
In my Platform i have a kamailio used as pseudo SBC and a kamailio used as Proxy (AS trigger) (cpl are applied on this instance). When I make a call and callee doesn't answer that call my SBC detects the timeout and generates a 408 to Proxy (according to fr_inv_timer) , but it generates CANCEL too. Is it possible to deactivate these CANCEL? if not what is the configuration in order to be able to trigger CFNA?