El Viernes, 19 de Octubre de 2007, Iñaki Baz Castillo
Could anyone explain me how to use those tables?
Ok, now I see that the data about rooms and member exist in
tables but is lost after OpenSer restart. :(
In fact I have debugged MySQL and see:
21190 Query insert into imc_rooms (name,domain,flag ) values
21190 Query insert into imc_members (username,domain,flag,room ) values
21190 Query insert into imc_members (username,domain,flag,room ) values
During that I get those errors when restarting OpenSer:
0(31176) submit_query: Duplicate entry 'chat1-domain1.org' for key 2
0(31176) db_insert: Error while submitting query
0(31176) imc:destroy: ERROR while inserting into table imc_rooms
And continuing with MySQL debug:
21190 Query select name,domain,flag from imc_rooms
21199 Query select username,domain,flag from imc_members where
21199 Query delete from imc_members
21199 Query delete from imc_room
It seems that OpenSer saves in MySQL the rooms info when OpenSer is stopped and
empty tables when starting and loading into memory rooms info.
Is this? This makes impossible to manage room chats via web interface :(
Any explanation please?
the data afferent to the rooms is saved for recovery upon restart. There
are MI commands where you can interact more real-time with the imc
module. If you want to have imc sync'ing database more often, add a
feature request, maybe someone will implement it for 1.4.