Dear list
I am quite new to Kamailio and i know that probably this thread has been answered quite few times. But i have few questions
I was able to configure Kamailio + Asterisk MWI with Kamailio handling the registration of users. The problem is that i am quite sure that is not the right way. What i did was just putting "subscribemwi=no" on every user declared on Asterisk and he will send NOTIFY's when a voicemail has been received for a particular user to Kamailio and Kamailio will just forward them to the endpoints (because he knows the location of the users). I know about the modules presence presence_xml and presence_mwi of Kamailio which will handle the subscription of users and send NOTIFY's but it is useless since I am not verifying any NOTIFY that comes from Asterisk, just forwarding.
Now, some others solution are just a bunch of scripts that, for me, it doesnt make much sense since is the same idea like how i did it just more hacky and unnecesary, i guess?. This solution can be found here:
There is another solution that i found in few threads here which i dont understand really well, is to send PUBLISH messages from Asterisk to Kamailio so Kamailio sends NOTIFY's with the event and content about the amount of voice messages in a particular mailbox. Some say that you need to create the message PUBLISH and send it with sipsak or another solution in Asterisk.
For what i see in SIP documentation, the last solution seems a bit less of a hack lets say, more resilient. With all said, i have a few questions
Is it the solution I made really a bad idea?. I havent take a lot of time understanding SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages, just the basics, i dont know if there are some security issues i should think about in this particular flow. Should i check the status of the authorization of the subscription in Kamailio before forwarding the mesage (if there is a way, how)? or it really doesnt make sense at all? because after all, my endpoints receives the NOTIFY and "you have a new voicemail" message appears.
Now, about the last solution, is there any guide of someone that has done that in a clean way?, may someone guide me how to construct the PUBLISH message and when should i send it?, should i create a cron or something?, this PUBLISH message needs to be send for every user?. may someone guide me (if this is considered a cleaner way of doing it) how to make this? Many of the answers in other threads about this are not enough to understand the idea as a whole, at least for me.
Thank you very much in advance