I read all the former posts and added the line lookup("aliases") in to my ser.cfg and I try to start ser but this is the output
0(0) submit_query(): Table 'ser.alias' doesn't exist 0(0) submit_query(): Error while submitting query 0(0) preload_udomain(): Error while doing db_query 0(0) register_udomain(): Error while preloading domain 'alias' 0(0) domain_fixup(): Error while registering domain ERROR: error ffffffff while trying to fix configuration
after tham I tried to test it by using serctl add alias command, but when the command is executed it seems that ser will go to infinite loop
any idea?
thanks, Andrea
On 09-03 17:05, giAndrea wrote:
I read all the former posts and added the line lookup("aliases") in to my ser.cfg and I try to start ser but this is the output
0(0) submit_query(): Table 'ser.alias' doesn't exist 0(0) submit_query(): Error while submitting query 0(0) preload_udomain(): Error while doing db_query 0(0) register_udomain(): Error while preloading domain 'alias' 0(0) domain_fixup(): Error while registering domain ERROR: error ffffffff while trying to fix configuration
The name of the table is aliases, not alias.