Hi all,
As seen in the following URL for OpenSer, I wonder if Ser supports Multi Call-Legs accounting, (feature that OpenSer already implements):
I have my system just already in production using Ser, but only now I realised that this functionality maybe lacking in Ser!... I tried to use the directive:
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_enabled", 1)
in my ser.cfg file, but doing so, Ser doesn't start! Is there any other way to enable in Ser this feature? How?
Regards, Ricardo.
For those who don't understand my problem, I just explain you what's about...
For example user A calls user B which forwards the call to user C. There is only one SIP call but with 2 legs ( A to B and B to C). Accounting the legs of a call is required for proper billing of the calls. Blind Call FWDing in the server can be traced in the database acc, but when configured in the phone, there is no way in the Ser SQL tables to know if some call resulted from a FWD or not!
Ricardo Carvalho wrote:
Hi all,
As seen in the following URL for OpenSer, I wonder if Ser supports Multi Call-Legs accounting, (feature that OpenSer already implements):
I have my system just already in production using Ser, but only now I realised that this functionality maybe lacking in Ser!... I tried to use the directive:
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_enabled", 1)
in my ser.cfg file, but doing so, Ser doesn't start! Is there any other way to enable in Ser this feature? How?
Regards, Ricardo.
Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
SER does not have this functionality. g-)
Ricardo Carvalho wrote:
For those who don't understand my problem, I just explain you what's about...
For example user A calls user B which forwards the call to user C. There is only one SIP call but with 2 legs ( A to B and B to C). Accounting the legs of a call is required for proper billing of the calls. Blind Call FWDing in the server can be traced in the database acc, but when configured in the phone, there is no way in the Ser SQL tables to know if some call resulted from a FWD or not!
Ricardo Carvalho wrote:
Hi all,
As seen in the following URL for OpenSer, I wonder if Ser supports Multi Call-Legs accounting, (feature that OpenSer already implements):
I have my system just already in production using Ser, but only now I realised that this functionality maybe lacking in Ser!... I tried to use the directive:
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_enabled", 1)
in my ser.cfg file, but doing so, Ser doesn't start! Is there any other way to enable in Ser this feature? How?
Regards, Ricardo.
Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Hi Ricardo,
I'm not sure you need some special feature for this. I think that your script, where you do call-forwarding, can do the "if-code" to see if some special accounting needs to occur, and if so, it sets an AVP and it sets the accounting module to store the AVP.
Does that solve your problem?
ps -- few config file fragments are bellow which show "HOWTO".
modparam("acc_db", "attrs", "$f.sop_billing_category,$f.isPrepaidCustomer,$f.sop_cf_orig_uid") ... if ($f.uid) { replace_avp_hf("P-CF-Orig-UID","uid"); } ... xlset_attr("sop_cf_orig_uid", "%{P-CF-Orig-UID}")
At 19:51 22/09/2006, Ricardo Carvalho wrote:
For those who don't understand my problem, I just explain you what's about...
For example user A calls user B which forwards the call to user C. There is only one SIP call but with 2 legs ( A to B and B to C). Accounting the legs of a call is required for proper billing of the calls. Blind Call FWDing in the server can be traced in the database acc, but when configured in the phone, there is no way in the Ser SQL tables to know if some call resulted from a FWD or not!
Ricardo Carvalho wrote:
Hi all,
As seen in the following URL for OpenSer, I wonder if Ser supports Multi Call-Legs accounting, (feature that OpenSer already implements):
I have my system just already in production using Ser, but only now I realised that this functionality maybe lacking in Ser!... I tried to use the directive:
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_enabled", 1)
in my ser.cfg file, but doing so, Ser doesn't start! Is there any other way to enable in Ser this feature? How?
Regards, Ricardo.
Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
-- Jiri Kuthan http://iptel.org/~jiri/