I am sorry I do not know this Redhat package. However as I remember you can use following: $ make prefix=/opt/ser modules $ make prefix=/opt/ser $ su # make prefix=/opt/ser install
All you need to compile and install SER is in INSTALL file.
You will try cvs version of SER 2.0 also. I tried it on Fedora Core 5 and it works well for my simple test. You probably will have to install several development packages. One more think is good to remember -- do not use CVS trunk in these days and use tag rel_2_0_0 instead. So checkout ser this way: $ cvs co -r rel_2_0_0 sip_router
Mukesh Prajapati wrote:
thnks for your response. I have downloaded SER setup from http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/ser/0.9.6 it is ser-0.9.6_linux_i386.tar.gz
i installed it on RadHat system, so in current directory usr is created. i found binaries at usr/local/sbin directory.
now the problem is i can't start the ser server. so, would u please help me in this regards.
thanks Mukesh
*/Libor Chocholaty libor_ml1@mts.cz/* wrote:
Mukesh Prajapati wrote: > Hi all, > I am new to SER > I m trying to install n start SER on RadHat Linux. So, please guide me > how to find SER source n install. > n how can I start SER. > waiting for reply. $ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser $ cvs login Logging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:2401/cvsroot/ser CVS password: <<-- do not pass any password, only press enter -->> $ cvs co sip_router ---snip--- $ cd sip_router $ less INSTALL Libor
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