looks like a bug in that matching conditions. I guess I used with same
value for server id and server name, so the issue was not exposed. I
will fix it soon.
On 21.01.20 13:54, mahesh b wrote:
Hi All,
Am using kamailio 5.1.9 version
http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.1.x/modules/tls.html , i
understand " The value for server_id can be any string, being used to
match TLS client config profile, overriding the match on ip:port and
server_name. "
Which suggests that the server_name and server_id can be different for
a tls profile
IN my tls.cfg i have [client:default] verify_certificate = no
require_certificate = no [client:
<>] method = TLSv1.2 verify_certificate =
yes require_certificate = yes private_key =
/ssl/sip/profile1/server.key certificate =
/ssl/sip/profile1/server.crt ca_list = /ssl/sip/profile1/ca.crt
cipher_list = RSA verify_depth = 9 server_id = profile1 server_name =
btip.176.com <http://btip.176.com> And in sar.cfg i am doing, before
sending the request out $xavp(tls=>server_name)="btip.176.com
<http://btip.176.com>"; $xavp(tls[0]=>server_id)="profile1"; But
if i
see the logs , its picking client default profile for tls handshake,
Am i missing anything in tls.cfg or sar.cfg ?
if i see the code in tls_lookup_cfg()
while (p) {
if(srvid && srvid->len>0) {
LM_DBG("comparing addr: [%s:%d] [%s:%d] -- id: [%.*s] [%.*s]\n",
ip_addr2a(&p->ip), p->port, ip_addr2a(ip), port,
p->server_id.len, ZSW(p->server_id.s),
srvid->len, ZSW(srvid->s));
if(p->server_id.s && p->server_id.len==srvid->len
&& strncasecmp(p->server_name.s, srvid->s, srvid->len)==0) {
LM_DBG("TLS config found by server id\n");
return p;
} .... Why is that there is a strncasecmp between p->server_name.s
and srvid->s ?? the strncasecmp should be between p->server_id.s and
srvid->s right ?
Regards, Mahesh.B
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