I'd guess that many folks on the list are as interested in finding a low cost PC based gateway as I am.
My research has uncovered on possible candidate, and caused some confusion at the same time.
I came upon a product called Wildcard T100P. A single loop T1/PRI card with linux drivers, for the oh-so-reasonable price of US $500. The catch seems to be that there is no gateway code written to date to use the card, at least no code whose only function is to be a gateway. There is also a single port FXO card for US $100
It turns out that the OSS PBX Asterisk can leverage the card, has support for SIP, and is in general really cool, but too feature rich to be used as a PSTN gateway. Sure the price is right (free).
Has anyone worked on or with the Wildcard? Details about the card can be found at http://www.zapatatelephony.org/
What is lacking appears to be a package that can leverage the Wildcard library with a SIP frontend. I am tempted to try to workout what the framework of such a package would look like, and try to rough out some code. The problem with that is I'm no coder*. The source for the Wildcard driver is well documented, so I may try anyways. Can anyone recommend a SIP stack for Linux, where the code is documented well enough so that someone not an expert on SIP programming can figure it out?
* Not professionally. I have needed to debug C source before, and have written small tools that to be honest were not at all elegant.