The OSP toolkit project is being moved from sipfoundry to sourceforge. It should be available shortly. Meanwhile, the latest snapshot of the toolkit can be downloaded from
Regards, Dmitry
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:25:24 +0100 From: "tzieleniewski" tzieleniewski@o2.pl Subject: [Serusers] Problemswith compiling ser 0.10.99 To: serusers@lists.iptel.org Message-ID: 54c54dce.20e2e287.45a21c14.f0624@o2.pl Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi All!! I am trying to compile the lattest cvs version of ser but I get errors which I cann't handle myself so i kindly ask for your help:) What I want to achive basically is the ser instance with presence support. I am compiling ser in the following way: make group_include="standard standard-dep stable" all I read that osp requires osptoolkit i tried to get it from sipfoundry but i couldn't find any source of that. I also cann't fight problems with tls i didn't includethe experimental modules(tls) but still I get some errors. Below is the make output