I am trying to make UAC register with a SIP telco. But when I run...
shell$ kamctl rpc uac.reg_add mydomain.com 0123456789 myteldomain.com 0123456789 sip6.telco.nl telcoreseller.nl 999999 secretpw . udp:sip6.telco.nl 360 0 10 'udp:[fd8:9::10]:5090'
...it gives me the cryptic response...
ERROR: jsonrpcs [jsonrpcs_mod.c:666]: jsonrpc_scan(): field is not a string - type 3
The module docs only give "..." as example of attributes. And, according to...
http://www.kamailio.net/docs/modules/5.4.x/modules/uac.html#uac.r.uac.reg_ad... https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/5.4.4/src/modules/uac/uac_reg.c#18...
...it also seems to be behind on diff_expires, timer_expires, reg_init. What I am missing is the format, and in some cases the purpose of attributes.
Could you help me to an example, perhaps based on the command I am trying?
Thanks, -Rick
P.S. It's been years since I worked with OpenSIPS. It feels like Kamailio is friendlier, and easier to use.
Hello Rick,
Sometimes the RPC can get confused with the number data types. You could try to add a "s:" in front of this variables.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
Hello Henning/others,
You could try to add a "s:" in front of this variables.
That worked. And it's one that I will put into any script wrapper.
Other things are still not clear [from the documentation alone]: - auth_proxy, does it want udp: or sip: prefixes, or is it just host[:port] ? - expires, in seconds I presume ? - flags, cannot find anything about that ? - reg_delay, I suppose that delays registration, in seconds ? - socket, is it like udp:host[:port] or udp:ip[:port] or some other form ?
All this is unclear from the current documentation.
Thanks! -Rick
You could try to add a "s:" in front of this variables.
That worked. And it's one that I will put into any script wrapper.
That’s worth remembering, thanks, I gave up trying to do this a while ago and worked around it another way/
Other things are still not clear [from the documentation alone]:
- auth_proxy, does it want udp: or sip: prefixes, or is it just host[:port] ?
Wants the sip: proxy
- expires, in seconds I presume ?
- flags, cannot find anything about that ?
Explained in 8.2 here https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac.html
- reg_delay, I suppose that delays registration, in seconds ?
Yes, delays the initial registration but it’s a minimum, sometimes it will be more
- socket, is it like udp:host[:port] or udp:ip[:port] or some other form ?
All this is unclear from the current documentation.
I wonder if you’re looking at an older version of the documentation, most of it is here https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac.html https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac.html but some of the older documents had some bits lacking iirc.
Best, Ross
Hello Ross,
Thanks for your help!
- flags, cannot find anything about that ?
Explained in 8.2 here https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac.html
I was looking at the documentation that matched my Kamailio version 5.4.x, as found in Debian stable. But I had not seen the [separate] section "9. Remote Registration". *oops*
Thanks for the clear answers!