I am successful installing the SER 0.8.14 and the latest radiusclient 0.4.3
When I run the SER, its giving the following erorr message:
0(32009) ERROR: acc: can't get code for the Failed attribute value 0(32009) init_mod(): Error while initializing module acc ERROR: error while initializing modules
I have also went through the documentation and appended the required SIP attributes in the dictionary.
Does any one has faced similar issue or am I mising something here?
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--- Suraj Kumar suraj_kumar_1998@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi, When I run the SER, its giving the following erorr message: 0(32009) ERROR: acc: can't get code for the Failed attribute value
Probably you are using the incorrect dictionary file. Use the file that comes with SER. See the file sip_dictionary in modules/acc/etc, You should see an entry like the following in that file VALUE Acct-Status-Type Failed 15
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
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Hi Girish,
Thank-you! that helped!
regards, Suraj
GR S gr_sh2003@yahoo.com wrote: Hello,
--- Suraj Kumar wrote:
Hi, When I run the SER, its giving the following erorr message: 0(32009) ERROR: acc: can't get code for the Failed attribute value
Probably you are using the incorrect dictionary file. Use the file that comes with SER. See the file sip_dictionary in modules/acc/etc, You should see an entry like the following in that file VALUE Acct-Status-Type Failed 15
===== Girish Gopinath
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