On Jul 01, 2005 at 08:51, Jose Bertuzzi <pablo_bertuzzi(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello, i am trying to test radius acc in version
on a debian box. I compiled and installed
radiusclient-ng version 0.5.1 and i tried to install
the debian acc-radius package. It seems that
libradiusclient-ng2 is missing. Where can I get that
file ?
http://apt.sip-router.org/debian/ or even better add it to your
apt sources.list (see
and then apt-get update; apt-get install ser ser-acc-radius-module
If you already installed libradiusclient-ng, you can try
dpkg --force-depends -i ser-acc-radius-module_0.9.3-0.2_i386.deb
(but this is not recommended)