it was a bit longer way than usual with the testing, but the achievements pay the bill - you can run kamailio and ser modules at the same time, as well as most of the core features from both applications.
I propose to release Kamailio (OpenSER) 3.0.0 on 11th of January, by that time we should fix the small issues discussed on the devel list lately. If you are aware of other issues, report them to: sr-dev [at] lists.sip-router.org
I encourage everyone to contribute to wiki pages for what is new and migration from 1.5.x: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/features:new-in-3.0.x http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:1.5.x-to-3.0.0
To get it from GIT and test, see: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:kamailio-3.0.x-from-git
I started to detail some of the new features in blog posts, see ToC at: http://bit.ly/4qy9cn
A great 2010 for kamailians and sip router users!
Cheers, Daniel