Hello, I am attempting to perform some asynchronous lookup upon receiving an INVITE and then reply with a 3xx response with a modified From header. My workflow now is to create a transaction when receiving the INVITE, suspend the transaction, perform the asynchronous lookup, continue the transaction upon response, and then modify the From header and reply. The ONLY problem I am having is modifying the From header! How can I modify the From header in this scenario?
function ksr_request_route() if KSR.is_INVITE() then if KSR.tm.t_newtran() then cache_transaction_info() KSR.tmx.t_suspend() --perform async loookup end end return 1 end
--This function called on response from async lookup. Equivalent of ONREPLY_ROUTE function ksr_reply_route() --Finds the transaction_index and transaction_label from a cache KSR.tmx.t_continue(transaction_index, transaction_label, "redirect_transaction"); KSR.x.drop() return 1 end
function redirect_transaction() KSR.pv.sets("$fU", "Jenny") --Doesn't actually modify the from username for 302 response! KSR.tm.t_reply(302, "Redirecting") return 1 end
Thank you much! -Michael
Not sure if it works in this scenarios, but did you already tried to use: https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/uac.html#uac.f.uac_replace_...
-- Henning Westerholt - https://skalatan.de/blog/ Kamailio services - https://gilawa.comhttps://gilawa.com/
From: sr-users sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org On Behalf Of Michael Friesen Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 6:57 PM To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Cc: Julie Fowler jfowler@firstorion.com; Mike Tihonchik mtihonchik@firstorion.com Subject: [SR-Users] Help with Async transaction responses
Hello, I am attempting to perform some asynchronous lookup upon receiving an INVITE and then reply with a 3xx response with a modified From header. My workflow now is to create a transaction when receiving the INVITE, suspend the transaction, perform the asynchronous lookup, continue the transaction upon response, and then modify the From header and reply. The ONLY problem I am having is modifying the From header! How can I modify the From header in this scenario?
function ksr_request_route() if KSR.is_INVITE() then if KSR.tm.t_newtran() then cache_transaction_info() KSR.tmx.t_suspend() --perform async loookup end end return 1 end
--This function called on response from async lookup. Equivalent of ONREPLY_ROUTE function ksr_reply_route() --Finds the transaction_index and transaction_label from a cache KSR.tmx.t_continue(transaction_index, transaction_label, "redirect_transaction"); KSR.x.drop() return 1 end
function redirect_transaction() KSR.pv.sets("$fU", "Jenny") --Doesn't actually modify the from username for 302 response! KSR.tm.t_reply(302, "Redirecting") return 1 end
Thank you much! -Michael
Thanks Henning! In this instance the uac_replace_from method is not working either. I attempted to use KSR.uac.uac_replace_from("batman", "") inside the redirect_transaction() method and it was not successful. However, If I perform this BEFORE calling KSR.tm.t_newtran() then the From header uses the "batman" value for the response. The problem is that I still cannot use the asynchronous lookup response to modify the From header once the transaction has been created.
From: sr-users sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org On Behalf Of Henning Westerholt Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 12:07 PM To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Cc: Mike Tihonchik mtihonchik@firstorion.com; Julie Fowler jfowler@firstorion.com Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Help with Async transaction responses
Not sure if it works in this scenarios, but did you already tried to use: https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/uac.html#uac.f.uac_replace_...https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=kamailio.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9rYW1haWxpby5vcmcvZG9jcy9tb2R1bGVzL3N0YWJsZS9tb2R1bGVzL3VhYy5odG1sI3VhYy5mLnVhY19yZXBsYWNlX2Zyb20=&i=NWQ3MTY5NGVhZjFkZjgxN2NhMWRiNmIx&t=QUFrZ3RTWUx1WVdDWDFWbzBNUlBUaTd3MTdqeHZkY0Qrc3NPVWRwQWl4QT0=&h=932613dd668d4e0ea6f768041a0bd41e
-- Henning Westerholt - https://skalatan.de/blog/https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=skalatan.de&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9za2FsYXRhbi5kZS9ibG9nLw==&i=NWQ3MTY5NGVhZjFkZjgxN2NhMWRiNmIx&t=WStDbk50SzBLNjVwR01sTHRvYlVwbzA0dzdhQlBnNUF2WnErNFp6SEhYaz0=&h=932613dd668d4e0ea6f768041a0bd41e Kamailio services - https://gilawa.comhttps://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=gilawa.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naWxhd2EuY29tLw==&i=NWQ3MTY5NGVhZjFkZjgxN2NhMWRiNmIx&t=TFQrN1EwNWwwV2thVlBjeGpoNS9jMlRBNk5JREczWmVORHV2QlNpR21YTT0=&h=932613dd668d4e0ea6f768041a0bd41e
From: sr-users <sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.orgmailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org> On Behalf Of Michael Friesen Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 6:57 PM To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.orgmailto:sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Cc: Julie Fowler <jfowler@firstorion.commailto:jfowler@firstorion.com>; Mike Tihonchik <mtihonchik@firstorion.commailto:mtihonchik@firstorion.com> Subject: [SR-Users] Help with Async transaction responses
Hello, I am attempting to perform some asynchronous lookup upon receiving an INVITE and then reply with a 3xx response with a modified From header. My workflow now is to create a transaction when receiving the INVITE, suspend the transaction, perform the asynchronous lookup, continue the transaction upon response, and then modify the From header and reply. The ONLY problem I am having is modifying the From header! How can I modify the From header in this scenario?
function ksr_request_route() if KSR.is_INVITE() then if KSR.tm.t_newtran() then cache_transaction_info() KSR.tmx.t_suspend() --perform async loookup end end return 1 end
--This function called on response from async lookup. Equivalent of ONREPLY_ROUTE function ksr_reply_route() --Finds the transaction_index and transaction_label from a cache KSR.tmx.t_continue(transaction_index, transaction_label, "redirect_transaction"); KSR.x.drop() return 1 end
function redirect_transaction() KSR.pv.sets("$fU", "Jenny") --Doesn't actually modify the from username for 302 response! KSR.tm.t_reply(302, "Redirecting") return 1 end
Thank you much! -Michael