Apology for possible multiple copies due to cross posting ----------------------------------
First International Workshop on Next Generation Networks: Open Platforms and Services (NGNOPS'08) will be held in Cardiff, UK this September. The NGNOPS'08 workshop is colocated with the IEEE NGMAST'08 conference (http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/NGMAST08/) and scheduled on the Sep 18, 2008.
NGNOPS'08 (http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/NGMAST08/workshops/ngnops/index.htm) is aiming at a convergence of Open Source community with the academic community and industry players related to next-generation networking, technologies, applications and services.
The NGNOPS'08 program will comprise of paper presentations and a couple of keynote sessions.
Paper submission and more details are available at http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/ngmast08/workshops/ngnops/index.htm. For any questions, you can write me an email.
Best regards, Ramona Modroiu