Please keep the thread in the maillist.
2010/6/22 Xiaoqiang Hu
REFERENCE] [RFC3261-10-47, 48, 49] 10.3 Processing REGISTER Requests 7. The binding updates MUST be commited (that is, made visible to the proxy or redirect server) if and only if all binding updates and additions succeed. If any one of them fails (for example, because the back-end database commit failed), the request MUST fail with a 500 (Server Error) response and all tentative binding updates MUST be removed.
Do you suggest that the REGISTER contains "invalid" Contact URI's? Not at all. URI's in the Contact DON'T require to have same username as the AoR being registered (the URI in To header). Again, the REGISTER is 100% valid.
PD: If you reference some text in a RFC please append also what you interpret from such text ;)