Do the debugging dance, so that you can verify what the calls to avp_* do... g-)
Ricardo Martinez wrote:
Hello Greg Thanks for your answer. I made the change but it seems not to do anything.... Can someone help me here?
Thanks in advance
Regards Ricardo.-
-----Mensaje original----- De: Greger V. Teigre [] Enviado el: MiƩrcoles, 25 de Mayo de 2005 16:24 Para: Ricardo Martinez; Asunto: Re: [Serusers] avp_radius and avpops
if( !avp_pushto("$RURI", "s:var1/g")) {
replace with: "s:$var1/g" I don't know about the case sensivtivity of destination, I always use lower case... g-)
Ricardo Martinez wrote:
Hello List. I have a question regarding the use of avp_radius and avpops. I'm using avp_radius to obtain an AVP value from my database via radius. What i what to do is replace this value for the RURI. Here i have a couple of questions. 1.- The value returned by the avp_radius (the SIP-AVP) where is stored ? It suppose that the SIP-AVP returned by radius
has the form
of "name:value". That "name" refers to the name of what?. For example i'm returning :
"". What i
see in the debug is :
avp_load_user: AVP 'var1'='' has been added
This is what i got in my ser.cfg (a snippet).
if (method=="INVITE" || method=="CANCEL") { if( !avp_load_radius("caller")) { log (1, "AVP_RADIUS: Fail on avp_radius\n"); };
if( !avp_pushto("$RURI", "s:var1/g")) { log (1, "AVPOPS: Fail on AVPOPS\n"); }; };
Again the debug = 9 .
6(23815) avp_load_user: AVP
'var1'='' has been
added 6(23815) qm_free(0x8123400, 0x8166ccc), called from avp_radius.c: load_avp_user(344) 6(23815) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8166cb4 alloc'ed from avp_radius.c: load_avp_user(330) 6(23815) DEBUG:avpops:pushto_avp: no avp found 6(23815) AVPOPS: Fail on AVPOPS
What i'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Regards Ricardo Martinez
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