I have a big problems.I followed radius howto file where I found on iptel.org,and tested freeradius.when I run ser start,I found some error in syslog below:
Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: find_export: <radius_www_authorize> not found Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: find_export: <radius_www_authorize> not found Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: parse error (137,36-37): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
I loaded auth_radius.so from ser.cfg,why ser cann't found radius_www?????
who can help me!!!! thx!!!
See further above in your log. You probably have an error when ser tries to load the radius module. Probably because the radiusclient library is not found. g-) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kenny Yeh" kenny@artdio.com.tw To: serusers@lists.iptel.org Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 10:42 AM Subject: [Serusers] radius with ser
I have a big problems.I followed radius howto file where I found on
iptel.org,and tested freeradius.when I run ser start,I found some error in syslog below:
Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: find_export: <radius_www_authorize> not
found Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: find_export: <radius_www_authorize> not found Feb 6 03:36:39 debian ser: parse error (137,36-37): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
I loaded auth_radius.so from ser.cfg,why ser cann't found
who can help me!!!! thx!!!
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