the module hasn't be used for long time and was developed when diameter
was a draft (like 2003 -- iirc). Not being demanded, it was no focus on
it and somehow marked as obsolete. I expect to be easy to fix/update if
there is any issue. If you can, give it a try and report the results.
On 19/03/15 15:49, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:
Does Kamailio still support authentication using the auth_diameter module?
There is a note on the modules page stating the module is now obsolete.
“NOTE: diameter support was developed for DISC (DIameter Server Client
project at
http://developer.berlios.de/projects/disc/). This project
seems to be no longer maintained and DIAMETER specifications were
updated in the meantime. Thus, the module is obsolete and needs rework
to be usable with opendiameter or other DIAMETER servers.”
Is the page referring to this module or the DISC?
Are there perhaps any other ways to do authentication with Kamailio
using diameter?
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