Cesc Santasusana writes:
There have been no reports back, i guess either people are not very interested (i dont know why, i am very much) ...
people are interested. i saw a message on the list where someone had tried to compile the code and had failed. then he asked about which version the code should run, i.e., 0.9.0 or unstable, but i didn't see any reply on the list.
I tried to install it, and compiled without problems. I was hoping to use minisip against it,
which version of ser did you use?
but it would be too much beta-testing. It seems it deals ok with connections and so on (i tried connecting with a browser via https to the port where ser listens for tls ... it worked, but of course the parsing of the message failed ... as it was to be expected). I am trying to develop an injector, to use in conjunction with sipsack or the like ... keep u posted.
perhaps you could try between two proxies using t_relay_to_tls?
-- juha