Hi there,
We have a Postgres Database to store the users' informations before we use Openser. To integrate between Postgres and Openser, we write external C programs and call them from Openser with exec_dset function. The issue we have now is with the Caller ID. When the user makes a call to PSTN number from SIP devices (soft phone or hard phone), the telco carrier requests us to send a numerical Caller ID, not the SIP format (such as john.dow@abc.com). What I am doing is to add the Caller ID field into the Postgres for each user and write a C program to query the Caller ID field, then Openser calls it with exec_dset functioin. However, I did not find a way to define a variable in Openser to store this Caller ID and pass it to uac_replace_from function. Appreciate for any suggestions.
Jeff, You mentioned that you replaced the From Header, may I ask how you do it ? Thanks and Regards,
<Message: 4 <Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:11:09 +0900 <From: Jeff Williams jeffw@globaldial.com <Subject: [Users] (PR)ACK problem with uac_replace_from <To: users@openser.org <Message-ID: 45874A3D.5070206@globaldial.com <Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
<I seem to have an issue with uac_replace_from.
<I am using openser as a media proxy. For invites I replace the numbers <with leading 0's with 61 for Australia and forward the call to our LCR <box which then forwards the call to the correct voice to pstn gateway. <I am trying to use uac_replace_from to set the from address so the <callerid appears correct on the outgoing calls.
<This seems to work fine for the INVITE request, but on subsequent PRACKs <and ACKs (which just get loose routed), something strange happens to <the from address.
<On invite, the From get re-written:
<From: Jeff sip:610089001@proxy.sipone.com;user=phone;tag=1790577941 <to <From: Jeff sip:0892209080@sipone.com;tag=1790577941
<For the PRACKs and ACKs, this happens:
<From: Jeff sip:610089001@proxy.sipone.com;user=phone;tag=1790577941 <to <From: Jeff <<\032\317\352S\232\222B\230\234K\231*BV\300\030\303\332\ah\303\306i\365\005\016\200\250\000\000\230\016\200\252j\200\002`\000\000\016>;tag=1790577 <941
<There shouldn't be anything happening to the From address on the <(PR)ACKs at all.
<Anyone have any ideas?
<I have attached a ethereal dump of the call setup.
<Jeff __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com