Hi, as many of you knows, mysql module on ser-0.8.14 (latest) lacks the option to reconnect to the DB server if the server goes away (ie server restarts, crash, blah). With this simple patch, I backported the reconnect option of ser CVS, along with the ping server option.
You can use these 2 module params: -> modparam("mysql","auto_reconnect",1) // can be 0 or 1
-> modparam("mysql","ping_interval",60) // in seconds. if the connection has been idle for more than ping_interval, // the server will be pinged before the next query
There's another addition: since Mysql 5.03 the reconnect option in the MySQL struct is disabled, so this patch takes care also to enable this flag (this thing is not done by the CVS version).
Hope can be of any help, Matteo.