Say I have a record in the table usr_preferences with username, attribute=function, value=voicemail. I use avp_db_load("$from/username", "s:function") to get the value. I can print out the value in xlog function by using $avp(s:function). How can I put that value in the header by using append_hf? As I found that it doens't work if I use append_hf("P-hint: $avp(s:function)\r\n"). In other words, how can I get back the value of the variable stored in avp for other functions processing?
You can use the member functions provided by the avp-module, namely avp_pushto():
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of unplug Sent: Freitag, 20. Jänner 2006 12:04 To: Subject: [Users] question about avp
Say I have a record in the table usr_preferences with username, attribute=function, value=voicemail. I use avp_db_load("$from/username", "s:function") to get the value. I can print out the value in xlog function by using $avp(s:function). How can I put that value in the header by using append_hf? As I found that it doens't work if I use append_hf("P-hint: $avp(s:function)\r\n"). In other words, how can I get back the value of the variable stored in avp for other functions processing?
Users mailing list
Thanks! How about if I want to use the avp value in the parameter of the rewritehost function? Say, user A makes a call and she has a attribute and value in the usr_preferences table (GW - User B makes a call and she has a atrribute and value in the usr_preferences table (GW - otherwise use GW - How can I put the s:gw in the parameter of rewritehost function? (i.e. rewritehost("$avp(s:gw)"))
On 1/20/06, Joachim Fabini wrote:
You can use the member functions provided by the avp-module, namely avp_pushto():
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of unplug Sent: Freitag, 20. Jänner 2006 12:04 To: Subject: [Users] question about avp
Say I have a record in the table usr_preferences with username, attribute=function, value=voicemail. I use avp_db_load("$from/username", "s:function") to get the value. I can print out the value in xlog function by using $avp(s:function). How can I put that value in the header by using append_hf? As I found that it doens't work if I use append_hf("P-hint: $avp(s:function)\r\n"). In other words, how can I get back the value of the variable stored in avp for other functions processing?
Users mailing list
you may use avp_pushto("$ruri/domain","s:gw") . See :
regards, bogdan
unplug wrote:
Thanks! How about if I want to use the avp value in the parameter of the rewritehost function? Say, user A makes a call and she has a attribute and value in the usr_preferences table (GW - User B makes a call and she has a atrribute and value in the usr_preferences table (GW - otherwise use GW - How can I put the s:gw in the parameter of rewritehost function? (i.e. rewritehost("$avp(s:gw)"))
On 1/20/06, Joachim Fabini wrote:
You can use the member functions provided by the avp-module, namely avp_pushto():
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of unplug Sent: Freitag, 20. Jänner 2006 12:04 To: Subject: [Users] question about avp
Say I have a record in the table usr_preferences with username, attribute=function, value=voicemail. I use avp_db_load("$from/username", "s:function") to get the value. I can print out the value in xlog function by using $avp(s:function). How can I put that value in the header by using append_hf? As I found that it doens't work if I use append_hf("P-hint: $avp(s:function)\r\n"). In other words, how can I get back the value of the variable stored in avp for other functions processing?
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