Bogdan and other who are interested,
What would you advice at present if I want to use SER and offer a forward on No Answer feature ?
As TM and thus CPL-C does not support the timeout (timer) option I understand it can not be used to implentent this feature.
Other options :
use SER -> asterisk (FS)
In this case all calls are sent to the FS maybe some smart thing can be done to only send users with a no answer script.
If I want to enable PSTN forwarding + Billing I think I would then end up with the following:
SER -> Asterisk (FS) -> SER -> Asterisk (PSTN) -> PSTN GW
Is this the only way ?
Is there something better ?
any ideas are welcome.
regards, Arne.
Arne Scheffer wrote:
Bogdan and other who are interested,
What would you advice at present if I want to use SER and offer a forward on No Answer feature ?
please see
As TM and thus CPL-C does not support the timeout (timer) option I understand it can not be used to implentent this feature.
both cpl-c and tm supports timeout feature, but it value is fixed for all user (you cannot have custom timeout per user). You can change this global value via tm param "fr_inv_timer".
Other options :
use SER -> asterisk (FS)
In this case all calls are sent to the FS maybe some smart thing can be done to only send users with a no answer script.
If I want to enable PSTN forwarding + Billing I think I would then end up with the following:
SER -> Asterisk (FS) -> SER -> Asterisk (PSTN) -> PSTN GW
Is this the only way ?
if you involve *, you also involve risk. Not to mention the complexity of this solution. I prefer the approach: as simple as better.
Is there something better ?
any ideas are welcome.
regards, Arne.
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