hi, Rodrigue ESTEVE��
I think the counter will increase every 2 or 3 seconds.
Is the counter increasing when you start ?nbsp;serctl monitor ?nbsp;?
Are there any errors in your /var/log/syslog for ser ?
Do you still receive icmp port unreachable error ?
Can you do the following:
# nc -u your_sip_ip 5060
Type something, if you receive an error message like this : read(net): Connection refused,
your sip port is not reachable.
De : julien [mailto:julientoser@gmail.com]
Envoy?nbsp;: jeudi 22 septembre 2005 07:31
?nbsp;: Iqbal
Cc : Rodrigue ESTEVE; serusers(a)iptel.org
Objet : Re: [Serusers] need help
i want to say that:
i can not see port 5060 when i try netstat -an.
Cos i test wit fedora, so i am using ser version 0.8.12
On 9/22/05, julien <julientoser(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Now, ser is running.
But i can see port 5060 when i try netstat -an.
I force the line listen= (ip of server linux) in ser.cfg
something is wrong?
On 9/22/05, julien <julientoser(a)gmail.com > wrote:
Hi all,
At least i see in the console the line error in ser.cfg, so i am trying to correct it.
On 9/22/05, julien bossart <julientoser(a)gmail.com > wrote:
Thank you for your instruction.
Actually, i don't see that my server linux open port 5060 when i use netstat -an
I can ping to other IP address.
Today, i make the same example, but with a line ADSL so my server now have
ip (ip private). Then i use ip for sip client. I try to connect to
server but i get the same IMCP.
Today, i tried to do: /etc/init.d/ser start -c -E
to check the config file, it notice that: ERROR: bad config file (3 errors).
(I don't understand cos i use ser.cfg default and uncomment only some line for
What will you do when you meet this error? how can i active mode debug to find the error
in ser.cfg?
Thank you so much for your instruction.
On 9/21/05, Iqbal <iqbal(a)gigo.co.uk> wrote:
and find the IP address of the client, do a traceroute to it, although
this will fail it might let you see how far it is getting.
Also can you ping any other IP addresses like ping
Rodrigue ESTEVE wrote:
Hi Julien,
Can you do this in command line on your linux :
Netstat �an
And check that your ser is listening on udp port 5060.
*De :* serusers-bounces(a)iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@iptel.org]
*De la part de* julien bossart
*Envoy?:* mercredi 21 septembre 2005 12:02
*?:* serusers(a)iptel.org
*Objet :* [Serusers] need help
Hi all,
I am new to this forum.
Today, i download ser package, then i install in my fedora core 4.
Everything is ok.
Next, i start ser and use serctl add to add account to ser server.
Then i use sjphone to connect to ser server.
Sjphone try to send REGISTER to ser server. I use ethereal to get
the package. I see that ser server responds ICMP host unreacheable
all the time. So, REGISTER is failed.
Can you give me some suggestion?
Thank you for that.
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