Hello Community,
How can I send a reply to a second SIP Uri ? I found this code in the Web: [CODE] cat > /tmp/ser_fifo <<EOF :t_uac_dlg:ser_fifo MESSAGE $SIP_ORUI . From: IMtoSMS@ To: $SIP_ORUI Contact: $SIP_HF_CONTACT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 x:+$SMS . #$SIP_HF_FROM: $text $@ . EOF [/CODE] When I tried to send the Message , Ser show me a lot of errors like this: [ERROR] fifo_server: Command must begin with :: Message or must begin with to: [/ERROR]
I become a Call from User A to User B. So User A called test@mydomain.de and Ser is routing this call to an Skript which start its work. At the End of these Skript, i will send this INVITE from Caller A to Caller B with forwording or so.
How can i do this ? Can i do this , with the Code from the upper Skript ?
Thanx for your help,