Thanks, Zeus!
I tried everything with "/etc/init.d/ser start" then
check status with "/etc/init.d/ser status" . first it
showed "ser dead but pid file exists" then when I
removed pid file it showed "ser dead subsys locked"
and I couldn't use serctl everytime I tried to use it
it just could not response. I have reinstalled ser
rpm, and now ser works.
Thank you for your reply!
--- Zeus Ng <> wrote:
I don't quite follow your questions but I'll
try to
With /etc/init.d/ser, if ser dies and does not
remove the pid file properly,
you will get the error "ser dead but pid file
exists". Normally, ser will
remove the file. You can manually remove it if it
wasn't the case. In
redhat, it also create the file /var/lock/subsys/ser
which serctl does not
handle. Also, make sure the line
ser=/usr/local/sbin/ser # full path of your ser
The /etc/init.d/ser is more suitable for system boot
time and shutdown.
Normally, you should just use serctl to control ser.
-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of
Peter Liu
Sent: Friday, 28 May 2004 11:22 AM
To: serusers(a)
Subject: RE: [Serusers] help with ser
Thank you very much, Zeus!
After puting OPTIONS="-P /var/run/" to ser
when I check status "ser dead but pid file exists"
and also I can use my serctl utility.
Before everything worked fine, but I don't know
suddenly this happened. Would you give me some
Thanks again,
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