I'm trying to use t_suspend in my kamailio.cfg from a branch_route.
I'm using kamailio 5.1.1 on debian jessie from http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailio51
From the documentation:
http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.1.x/modules/tmx.html#tmx.f.t_suspend i can see that "This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE ."
However, the INVITE is still forwarded for this branch. So obviously the "outgoing transaction" is not suspended. May be "t_suspend" is only suspending "incoming transactions"?
I tried to call "drop()". This prevent the INVITE from being sent. But in such case, i have an answer is sent immediatly to the caller (SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (6/SL))
I want the script to wait as expected after my "t_suspend". And in the block indicated by t_continue, i want to append a new branch.
Any way to do this?
Otherwise, do you advise me to control the list of branch before t_relay? I guess I can access the list. Not sure how.. so if you have any tips...
Tks Aymeric
I am not sure that t_suspend is expected to work from branch_route.
Why not suspend it from the main route?
Describe in more details what are you going to achieve with the suspend.
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2018-02-08 16:25 GMT+01:00 Vasiliy Ganchev vancecezar@gmail.com:
Tks for answering!
I am not sure that t_suspend is expected to work from branch_route.
Why not suspend it from the main route?
Describe in more details what are you going to achieve with the suspend.
Objective: I'm working on implementing a configuration to support push notification for mobile devices. Those devices are sending REGISTER with push information inside the URI-PARAMS of the Contact header.
My way to acheive it: I have a "location" database containing many "Contact" headers for a UA.
Some of those destinations don't have the "push" informations and I want to forward the INVITE to them. Some of those destinations has "push" information in the URI: such as pn-provider, pn-param, pn-prid. I consider those UA as not available and don't want to forward the INVITE to them. In the branch route, I have this code:
branch_route[MANAGE_BRANCH] { if (!strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-provider})) && !strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-param})) && !strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-prid}))) { if ($(ru{uri.param,pn-provider}) == "fcm" && $(ru{uri.param,pn-param}) == "xxxxxxxxx") { route(SENDPUSH); } }
It's very easy to check for each branch the URI parameters of $ru. So I can send a PUSH NOTIFICATION to every one of them.
Tks! Aymeric
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Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
I ended up using ts_store and ts_append as this seems to be more convenient.
I guess t_suspend was not built to support what I tried. May be the documentation should be changed to indicate that it should be used only in request route block (and may be reply route block), but not in branch.
I was able to loop over the destination URI in the request route block after my lookup by using $ru for the main branch, and $(branch(uri)[$var(i)] for all the others.
It worked perfectly!
Tks, Aymeric www.antisip.com
2018-02-08 17:04 GMT+01:00 Aymeric Moizard amoizard@gmail.com:
2018-02-08 16:25 GMT+01:00 Vasiliy Ganchev vancecezar@gmail.com:
Tks for answering!
I am not sure that t_suspend is expected to work from branch_route.
Why not suspend it from the main route?
Describe in more details what are you going to achieve with the suspend.
Objective: I'm working on implementing a configuration to support push notification for mobile devices. Those devices are sending REGISTER with push information inside the URI-PARAMS of the Contact header.
My way to acheive it: I have a "location" database containing many "Contact" headers for a UA.
Some of those destinations don't have the "push" informations and I want to forward the INVITE to them. Some of those destinations has "push" information in the URI: such as pn-provider, pn-param, pn-prid. I consider those UA as not available and don't want to forward the INVITE to them. In the branch route, I have this code:
branch_route[MANAGE_BRANCH] { if (!strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-provider})) && !strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-param})) && !strempty($(ru{uri.param,pn-prid}))) { if ($(ru{uri.param,pn-provider}) == "fcm" && $(ru{uri.param,pn-param}) == "xxxxxxxxx") { route(SENDPUSH); } }
It's very easy to check for each branch the URI parameters of $ru. So I can send a PUSH NOTIFICATION to every one of them.
Tks! Aymeric
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Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Antisip - http://www.antisip.com
I am glad that you have something working, but I think you will have some issues with your approach.
Some important point regarding push/suspending etc. that I would like to emphasize and point your attention:
1.The modern mobile devices - put your SIP app to "sleep" quite fast. The TCP/TLS connection is closed. (are you using UDP?)
2. So if your location prevents non-alive registrations to live there you possibly need: - have a long "Expires" in registration. (remember your app is sleeping/killed most of the time, and is unable to refresh the registration)
3. When your location has "non alive registration", after t_relay - INVITE will be forked to all branches (including that "non alive"). How can you know that the registration is alive? - a possible case - is to send push for every call, without paying attention on "aliveness" of the registration Drawback: your app will have to handle case when SIP INVITE and push arrive at the same time (usually it will by firstly SIP, and in few seconds push)
So my approach to push in kamailio: 1. use short "Expires", (300s) - to remove non-refreshed registration from location asap.
2. store all the necessary push data to "htable". (while REGISTER processing) (actually I have 2 tables: a) extension as a key, and list of instances as a value b) instance as a key, and all parameters as a value (here is token, type, version etc.)
3. When INVITE comes a) make lookup(location) b) check if there is something found in location (remember you may have no registrations, but there still may be devices that support push and can be reachable) b1) NO records in location - t_suspend and push send b2) ts_store and relay to alive branches. When REGISTER from push device comes - ts_append
So the answer to your initial question - ts_suspend is never done in branch_route, as we get there only if there are valid registrations (and there is no suspend needed)
Hope my insight helped. Good luck in your pushing.
and of course most of the text above is not my invention, but it is based on Daniel/Federico's job. Their presentations are what was my insight when I developed push in our solution: http://www.kamailio.org/events/2014-KamailioWorld/day2/26-Daniel-Constantin.... http://www.kamailio.org/events/2015-KamailioWorld/Day2/20-Federico.Cabiddu-K...
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Tks for all the comments and descriptions. I've seen the pdf ideas and followed most guidelines. I've also tried to follow most guidelines from https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-sipcore-sip-push-04.txt.
My approach is first to use a long expires ;) This was to avoid storing the push information in a different table as everything is available in the "location" database already.
As I described, my goal was to discard forwarding to branches which has push information in them. However, this is not mandatory for me: if the UA is reachable, it will receive the INVITE and the push. If the UA is not reachable any more (on SIP) it will just receive the push.
This is working well enough for my needs.
In my initial experiments, I have tried to use a avops with a preference table. But I'm not sure if that database could support many entries for the same users. And I was worried about automatic management of the expiration of this entry. The "location" database already have expiration management and already contains the tokens...
In your setup, you have a small Expires, but you still send call after the contact has expired?... May be the user don't want the call any more...
As far as I know, after my app is terminated and TCP connection closed (or broken), there is no impact in the location database? So UDP/TCP/TLS should not make any difference for my setup!
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I think I can sort this out with a trick (for example, a static branch to keep my stuff alive?)
Up to now, the new registration comes before the failure of the broken TCP branch. Not sure if I'm lucky or if I can count on this ;(
Thus... t_suspend and t_continue don't seems to be required at all for me. Also, I haven't been able yet to find any advantage to use a different htable.
Tks Aymeric
2018-02-09 10:00 GMT+01:00 Vasiliy Ganchev vancecezar@gmail.com:
I am glad that you have something working, but I think you will have some issues with your approach.
Some important point regarding push/suspending etc. that I would like to emphasize and point your attention:
1.The modern mobile devices - put your SIP app to "sleep" quite fast. The TCP/TLS connection is closed. (are you using UDP?)
- So if your location prevents non-alive registrations to live there you
possibly need:
- have a long "Expires" in registration. (remember your app is
sleeping/killed most of the time, and is unable to refresh the registration)
- When your location has "non alive registration", after t_relay - INVITE
will be forked to all branches (including that "non alive"). How can you know that the registration is alive?
- a possible case - is to send push for every call, without paying
attention on "aliveness" of the registration Drawback: your app will have to handle case when SIP INVITE and push arrive at the same time (usually it will by firstly SIP, and in few seconds push)
So my approach to push in kamailio:
- use short "Expires", (300s) - to remove non-refreshed registration from
location asap.
- store all the necessary push data to "htable". (while REGISTER
processing) (actually I have 2 tables: a) extension as a key, and list of instances as a value b) instance as a key, and all parameters as a value (here is token, type, version etc.)
- When INVITE comes
a) make lookup(location) b) check if there is something found in location (remember you may have no registrations, but there still may be devices that support push and can be reachable) b1) NO records in location - t_suspend and push send b2) ts_store and relay to alive branches. When REGISTER from push device comes - ts_append
So the answer to your initial question - ts_suspend is never done in branch_route, as we get there only if there are valid registrations (and there is no suspend needed)
Hope my insight helped. Good luck in your pushing.
and of course most of the text above is not my invention, but it is based on Daniel/Federico's job. Their presentations are what was my insight when I developed push in our solution: http://www.kamailio.org/events/2014-KamailioWorld/ day2/26-Daniel-Constantin.Mierla-Kamailio.cfg-Async.pdf http://www.kamailio.org/events/2015-KamailioWorld/ Day2/20-Federico.Cabiddu-Kamailio-In-A-Mobile-World.pdf
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Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
In your setup, you have a small Expires, but you still send call after the contact has expired?... May be the user don't want the call any more...
If user do NOT want to receive push, there are some options: - the app sends the new REGISTER without "token" and all other push specific parameters (such happened if a user on device disable push for a specific app) - in our implementation, when user make logout from app, REGISTER with Expires:0 is sent - and I in kamailio recognize it as push "off" as well.
When push is "off" I remove push data for specific instance from htable.
As far as I know, after my app is terminated and TCP connection closed (or broken), there is no impact in the location database? So UDP/TCP/TLS should not make any difference for my setup!
We use this option (set it 1): http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.0.x/modules/usrloc#usrloc.p.handle_lost_t...
so the UDP and TCP/TLS behave differently. By default - yes location will store all records until Expires hit.
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I think I can sort this out with a trick (for example, a static branch to keep my stuff alive?)
! yes, that is the point, to cope with such case you will need to "reinvent the wheel". If you get some rational implementation - share it.
Up to now, the new registration comes before the failure of the broken TCP branch. Not sure if I'm lucky or if I can count on this ;(
I would not count on this. As: - you do not control push server, as a result, you cannot predict what is the time of delivery. - also, your app may run on different hardware/software, and time from "push received" until "REISTER sent out" may be quite different. In our tests for some "slow" devices it took up to 4! seconds.
Thus... t_suspend and t_continue don't seems to be required at all for me. Also, I haven't been able yet to find any advantage to use a different htable.
for now - it is OK, but be aware that there is another way.
Just to summarize: I am not saying that my way is "true", as I had a lot of headache with push data /storage/control/clean-up. Another issue was to store push data for several devices per one user. and a lot of others...
Goals that were reached: - delete from location non alive registration asap => so when new INVITE comes - send push, and do not have mess with nonalive branches. - handle correctly case when there is no alive regsitrations (t_suspend) --- sub case here: there is only one registration, it is with push. t_relay failed, as a result I go to suspend logic as well
So, long story short: do it your way.
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2018-02-09 15:41 GMT+01:00 Vasiliy Ganchev vancecezar@gmail.com:
As far as I know, after my app is terminated and TCP connection closed (or broken), there is no impact in the location database? So UDP/TCP/TLS should not make any difference for my setup!
We use this option (set it 1): http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.0.x/modules/usrloc# usrloc.p.handle_lost_tcp
so the UDP and TCP/TLS behave differently. By default - yes location will store all records until Expires hit.
Good point for me! So i'll keep away from this option. ;)
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I
I can sort this out with a trick (for example, a static branch to keep my stuff alive?)
! yes, that is the point, to cope with such case you will need to "reinvent the wheel".
If you get some rational implementation - share it.
it's a good trick. If I wish to have a clean control: I "append_branch" to a UDP localhost. I could plug an app that will reply 110 Called is Parked and after a some controlled time send 408 Timeout.
t_suspend and t_continue seems similar, but I don't see the ability to configure timeout for example.
Just to summarize: I am not saying that my way is "true", as I had a lot of headache with push data /storage/control/clean-up. Another issue was to store push data for several devices per one user. and a lot of others...
Goals that were reached:
- delete from location non alive registration asap => so when new INVITE
comes - send push, and do not have mess with nonalive branches.
- handle correctly case when there is no alive regsitrations (t_suspend)
--- sub case here: there is only one registration, it is with push. t_relay failed, as a result I go to suspend logic as well
So, long story short: do it your way.
;) Tks for sharing. Aymeric
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Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
Aymeric Moizard wrote on 09.02.2018 13:49:
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I
usrloc's handle_lost_tcp is a good tip. we're using these in a push notification config for webrtc [0]:
set_forward_no_connect(); t_set_disable_internal_reply(1);
and then if t_relay() fails ts_store and t_suspend the transaction which I believe works.
[0] https://github.com/saycel/kamailio-config/blob/fc17b58369af5a487d131dd67ac3c...
Hi Stephan!
Nice to year about you ;)
I have just tried: set_forward_no_connect() t_set_disable_internal_reply(1)
I wasn't aware that the code located after the t_relay failure would run after the branch failure.
Great to know about this.
I will experiment t_suspend and t_continue in this use-case!
Tks a lot for the tip! Aymeric
2018-02-09 20:31 GMT+01:00 Stefan Sayer stefan.sayer@googlemail.com:
Aymeric Moizard wrote on 09.02.2018 13:49:
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I
usrloc's handle_lost_tcp is a good tip. we're using these in a push notification config for webrtc [0]:
set_forward_no_connect(); t_set_disable_internal_reply(1);
and then if t_relay() fails ts_store and t_suspend the transaction which I believe works.
[0] https://github.com/saycel/kamailio-config/blob/ fc17b58369af5a487d131dd67ac3c6a8628d1b29/kamailio.cfg#L695