Hello Users,
I tried a lot , But I can't find the Solution of my Problem
Here is My Problem, Please solve my issues
When UAC's are in Behind the NAT with Different network and OpenSER is also inside the NAT with Firewalls supported, At this Time is No Voice at , HangUP and Accounting is taking place clearly, But When UAC's are Behind the NAT with Same NetWok and OpenSER is Also inside the NAT, At this time , Voice and Accounting also clear
# NAT Registering route[2] { if(nat_uac_test("19") { setflag(6); force_rtport() fix_nated_register(); fix_nated_contact(); }; } # Invite Section with NAT Haple route[3] { if(nat_uac_test("19") { fix_nated_sdp("1") force_rport() fix_nated_contact(); } force_rtp_proxy(); } on_route_reply { if(status==200 || status == 180 ) { forece_rtp_poxy(); } force_nated_contact(); }
Thanks and Regards Ravi Prakash Sunkara ravi.sunkara@hyperion-tech.com M:+91 9985077535 www.hyperion-tech.com Client and Parent company :- www.august-networks.com