Job offer:
Interested in working with one of the biggest Voice over IP networks in europe? We're hiring and have one additional VoIP developer position open in our team in Karlsruhe, Germany at the moment.
For more informations (requirements, how to apply..) please refer to the opening on the job web page. Some facts about our VoIP system can be found at e.g. [1], please feel free to contact me per mail as well.;?__lf=JobsApplication2006...
Best regards,
Henning Westerholt
hello, i can do freeswitch job thanks Le 28/06/2010 13:55, Henning Westerholt a écrit :
Job offer:
Interested in working with one of the biggest Voice over IP networks in europe? We're hiring and have one additional VoIP developer position open in our team in Karlsruhe, Germany at the moment.
For more informations (requirements, how to apply..) please refer to the opening on the job web page. Some facts about our VoIP system can be found at e.g. [1], please feel free to contact me per mail as well.;?__lf=JobsApplication2006...
Best regards,
Henning Westerholt
On 06/29/2010 08:26 AM, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
hello, i can do freeswitch job thanks
Can you do literacy job?
what you mean? alex, finaly i seen you one month of waiting to see you contact me offlist Le 28/06/2010 15:33, Alex Balashov a écrit :
On 06/29/2010 08:26 AM, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
hello, i can do freeswitch job thanks
Can you do literacy job?
On 06/29/2010 08:36 AM, Meftah Tayeb wrote:
what you mean? alex, finaly i seen you one month of waiting to see you contact me offlist
Now that's just creepy.
2010/6/29 Meftah Tayeb
hello, i can do freeswitch job
wget ";?__lf=JobsApplication2006..." -O - | grep -i "freeswitch" || echo "No FreeSwitch keyword in the job position"