Hi, you can use a two-server(or more) mysql cluster (and a management server) and add a loadbalancere (LVS or linux-ha) layer to have a redundant system.
If you have more servers to play around with, you can install the mysql API's and the ndbd's on different servers (actually quite fun to build ;-))
I also presume you have two or more SER's to handle your traffic, then you have to make sure only one SER writes location information to the cluster at a time. Replication can be stored in memory
If you have a storage crash, you can rebuild the database from the other storage nodes.
br hw
Hi Guys,
Is there a way to make 2 redundant mysql banks, I mean, making SER writing all the data to 2 different DB Servers ? I want to make my data redudant, just in case one of the Mysql Crashs.
Thanks in Advance Best Regards