... four days.
One more year passed since first celebration of the OpenSER project. It was a real full year, the project itself was growing, growing and going on. We can list now a set of important milestones achieved during this period: - two major releases: 1.1.0 in July 2006 and 1.2.0 in March 2007 - yet another two minor releases: 1.1.1 in January 2007 and 1.2.1 in May 2007 - first OpenSER summit: November 2007, Berlin, Germany - first OpenSER development course, June 2007, Paris - active participation to VoIP and Open Source events around the world: VoN Berlin 2006, FOSDEM Bruxelles 2007, VoN San Jose 2007, ROSDEV 2007, eLiberatica 2007, LinuxTag 2007, VoN Europe 2007
The community is now more consistent and active in contributions. There are 21 registered developers, a lot of new modules and patches submitted to the tracker, making the number of the contributors to exceed 170 and the number of modules about 70.
OpenSER has gone beyond a SIP router, entering the Application Server level via the weSIP Java SIP Servlet AS and Perl Programming Interface, both contributions from new developers at that time, plus the Presence Server. Getting more and more robust, OpenSER has been adopted by major players in VoIP arena, Cisco using it in Linksys One and Truphone launching the first FMC service, which along with many others (see http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-gets-CISCOs-vote-of-co...) give more value to the project.
I consider that the year ended few days ago was very innovative in terms of features and performances. For the new year, we hope to be able to deliver reliable solutions to market needs and make OpenSER lead the creation of new VoIP services. The second edition of the OpenSER summit will be organized in Autumn, more events to interact with community members will be organized.
Here is a list of links for some news of last year: http://www.openser.org/mos/view/OpenSER-Summit-2006/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-1.2.0---Perfomance-Tes... http://www.openser.org/mos/blogsection/News/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-1.2.1-Released/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/Meeting-OpenSER%2C-May-June-20... http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-at-VoN-Spring-2007/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-Configuration-Generato... http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-v1.2.0-Released/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-gets-CISCOs-vote-of-co... http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/DNS-based-failover/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/New-management-interface/ http://www.openser.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/OpenSER-v1.1.0-Released/
We like to thank to all developers, contributors and community members for their help during the entire process of coding, testing, documenting and supporting the project. Looking forward to the third year.
Cheers, Daniel