On 03/11/14 12:47, fb111@web.de wrote:
I am looking for a registrar/ directory server for a NON SIP environment. This means using ICE, STUN and TURN and storing IP and port addresses on a server to organize communication between nodes. I am not very familiar with SIP. Does someone know, if I could use your server without the SIP functionality for the described case? Thanks! Frank
Not sure what exactly you want to achieve, but for non-sip messages the features are quite limited. ICE, STUN and TURN cannot be made from config file. Storing data in memory (mapping user ids to ips) can be made with htable module. There is a function to send raw udp data (corex module, iirc).
Maybe if you get to a point with more specific questions, then we can point better what can be done.
Cheers, Daniel