Where do I have to put the username, password (secret) while registering to a pstn with ser? Maybe that I can put it to my uri, but in this case I loose the telefone-number of the destination.
Sorry, but I don't understand how to do this... maybe that I have to sleep a little bit more ;-)
You can register asterisk with SER and your pstn-gateway with SER
SER will forward call to pstn --- "Sebastian Kühner" SebastianKuehner@gmx.de a écrit:
The problem of this example is, that the user has to register to ser before connecting to the pstn-gateway. But I have the problem that ser has to register to the pstn-gateway before passing the call (with the username, fromuser,... like above). The pstn.cfg only forwards to the pstn-gateway without registration...
Look at pstn.cfg from ser sources
Harry --- "Sebastian Kühner" SebastianKuehner@gmx.de a écrit:
I am using asterisk to connect to a
PSTN-Gateway. I
have to register to this pstn gateway before passing calls with:
[broadvoice] type=friend username=xxxxxxxxxxx fromuser=xxxxxxxxxx secret=xxxxxxxxxx host=sip.broadvoice.com port=5060 context=ext_default dtmfmode=inband fromdomain=sip.broadvoice.com canreinvite=no dtmfmode=inband insecure=very permit=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32 qualify=yes
Now I want to put through the calls with ser.
anyone an idea how to do that in ser?
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