Hi all, Many sip phones now offer intercom feature or auto answer. Has anyone done this using openser? I am trying to setup a prefix so that if line number is 12345, calling 612345 will make it act as an intercom.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
-- Zahid Mehmood CUIT Network Systems
Auto Answer means, your phone accepts an incoming call automatically, if you do not yourself. This works absolutely independent from proxy server.
Intercom seems to be a wide field. You should first specify, what you are exactly looking for. Btw. is there any specification activity for "intercom services" ongoing at IETF ???
Cheers Klaus
zm23 wrote:
Hi all, Many sip phones now offer intercom feature or auto answer. Has anyone done this using openser? I am trying to setup a prefix so that if line number is 12345, calling 612345 will make it act as an intercom.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
-- Zahid Mehmood CUIT Network Systems
Users mailing list Users@openser.org http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
It depends if the phoe supports it, and how the phone is told to enable intercom. Here is an example with asterisk for snom phones. You can easily adopt it for openser using append_hf("Call-Info: sip:domain.de;answer-after=0")
regards klaus
zm23 wrote:
Hi all, Many sip phones now offer intercom feature or auto answer. Has anyone done this using openser? I am trying to setup a prefix so that if line number is 12345, calling 612345 will make it act as an intercom.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
-- Zahid Mehmood CUIT Network Systems
Users mailing list Users@openser.org http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users