I posted a question about this earlier today. I too would like to know
the answer to his question.
Java Rockx wrote:
Hello All.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use sems from CVS along with ser-0.8.14
stable release? If it is possible, what pitfalls can I expect, if any?
The reason is ask is that I'm attempting to use sipums from
http://ftp.berlios.de/pub/sipums/ and it requires sems with IVR support which
means I have to use sems from the CVS unstable code base because, AFAIK IVR was
not included in the sems_07_27_2004.tar release which came with ser-0.8.14
I was using ser-0.8.99-devXX, but the problem with devXX not writing to the
MySQL location table prevents me from using unstable ser. I suppose I could use
ser-0.8.99-dev7 which did not have this location table problem.
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