I few times a day I have 2 cdrs for one call but with reverse direction.
I have looked at the radius server detail records and as far as I can
see this happens:
A Acct-Status-Type = Start with Acct-Session-Id = X1 and Sip-To-Tag =
X2 and Sip-From-Tag = X3 is logged.
I few seconds later Acct-Status-Type = Start with Acct-Session-Id = X1
and Sip-To-Tag = X3 and Sip-From-Tag = X2 is logged. (To and From tag
is reversed)
When the call is over a Update and a Stop is logged.
The Acct-Status-Type is not a unique key in the raddact table and
there for I get a CDR for each direction.
My theory is that this happens when the server recieves a re-INVITE.
Can I prevent this in openser.cfg?
Is it safe to add Acct-Session-Id as a unique key to the raddact
table? Or is the Session id not globaly unique?
Morten Isaksen