On 2/13/12 2:55 PM, Miguel Baptista wrote:
I am running kamailio 3.1.3 and I am making some tests with the exec
module. I am running a "dummy" script and it worked like a charm.
Now, I am testing what happens when the script takes "too much time"
to return a result. According to exec module documentation
the/time_to_kill /parameter should take care of it.
*time_to_kill* (INTEGER)
/Specifies the longest time a program is allowed to execute. If
the time is exceeded, the program is killed. /
BTW ... I am assuming /time /is in milliseconds. I think the
documentation should refer the time units.
thinking of the time when the module was
implemented, the unit is
second. Have you tried with a lower value, short enough to be visible in
seconds time?
Apparently kamailio ignores this parameter (or it doesn't work as I am
expecting). No matter which value I assign to /time_to_kill/, kamailio
doesn't kill the script and waits for the script to finish. In the
meanwhile some SIP timers are triggered ... resulting into a failed call.
The test I am doing is quite simple. For incoming INVITEs, use a
external script to check the status of a specific test user, if it
returns the keyword "busy" sends it to voicemail otherwise route the
INVITE to the local user. The test script returns a result after about
8 seconds.
Shouldn't the /time_to_kill/ be triggered and stop the script?
Here goes some relevant parts of my configuration. In attachment I am
sending the kamailio log with a debug value of 4.
/# ----- exec params -----/
/modparam("exec", "time_to_kill", 10)/
/# --- exec params end -----/
/#route just to check the exec module
route[TESTEXEC] {
xlog("L_INFO", "TESTEXEC: Entered ($rU)\n");
if ($rU == "miguel")
$var(calendarTMP)="/root/" + $rU + "_test.pl";
exec_avp("$var(calendarTMP)", "$avp(s:test)");
xlog("L_INFO", "TESTEXEC: Returned value is
if ($avp(s:test) == "busy") {
$ru = "sip:userbusy@" +
xlog("L_INFO", "TESTEXEC: Exiting ($rU)\n");
Miguel Baptista
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
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